
Showing posts from May, 2018

End of the year

I’m just happy I don’t have summer school and I have really good grades and I’m happy many of my teachers are mean and so I don’t need to worry about that jazz so I’m a happy camper


Color poem.                                                                                                                                                     Favorite food                                                                                               Big mc mmmmh after your done  more  With all calories and chemicals it will leave you in a morge  The lettuces is so so crunchy  And the bread so so munchie Red the color people dred  and reminds them of the dead Red the color of blood  And runs like a flood Favorite person  From comedian  To reptilian  Then musician On a mission  Then writer for Black panther 

Map testing

It was easy I actually went up on all 3 so I’ll get a special instef and if you get 2 you get insensitive like game room electrictron room movie room ect and I think we get to pick out a prize or pizza party I think

Greek day

It was boring the food was bad just bread olives olive oil weird chips and cheese hummus ewww,you just had to trade or buy thing and that’s it just boring