
My superhero name is echo a robot was created Moscow russia 🇷🇺 His income is 23billon dollars he makes 10millon dollars a year he lives in Canada a remote location with  have a heavily
 Forest with land mines and bar wire. And has a bat cave live bunker with tanks super cars and weapons and 12 nuclear bombs. And he is a heavy drinker I know he’s a robot but his body can tastes food and drinks wink wink. He has a teleporter in his bunker to his spaceship he is driven by his makers  assassination  he can die but his takes a black hole to kill him.  He is 6 feet tall and he has a super armor super and a jet engine in the back like the tumbler from Batman he has this thing that can make cars and  weapons in 2 seconds  when ever he wants. His favorite food is Putin and cheese fries mmmh cheese fries he also likes pasta. That’s pretty much that’s is my super hero


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