
Blackfish is a documentary about the harsh reality of orcas being taken from their families, mothers
companies so in the movie Dawn Brancheau die due to Tillikum killing her he is angry because he is not feed enough and he is angry because he is taken from his home he lives in a concrete pool
don’t you think that if you were in a concert room you will become a little syco well it wasnt dawns fault it was sea lands fault for mistreating Tillikum they put him in a room dark room with female
orcas attacking him and that cause him to go over the edge we should  release every orcas from any
 Aquariums for less accidents every year causing dead or injuries and they never hurt anyone in the wild.


  1. This is an amazing movie review. You make some very compelling arguments against keeping orcas in captivity. Thank you for sharing your blog post this week.


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