Slice of life 4 5 6 the weekend saga

So on Saturday I woke up my mom took us to this place called toures I think that’s how you pronounce it I’m not to sure my mom got grocery’s and I got spicy ramen  for I can eat later then I played video games for the rest of the day I ate the ramen later then my dad came home so he made
Food my mom came then I watched YouTube then went to sleep. Then on Sunday my dad didn’t have work I played video games then I help my dad make food then watched YouTube then played video games my mom came around 5pm and we went to this taco place I got this thing called a torta
It had tomatoes sour cream avocado carne asada mmmmh it was so good. Then Monday judgment day the day was fine ate some breakfast played video games then went to school the next day.


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